reSource event 001: Trial Crack - Post Privacy part 1/2

reSource event 001: Trial Crack - Post Privacy part 1/2

Post Privacy @ General Public:

This discussion follows the thread initiated by the “reSource network” thematic programme at transmediale 2K+12 (, which reflected on power structures, pervasive control and surveillance by corporations and centralised systems, and their possible subversion through subjective empowerment. This discussion reflects on the problematic of openness towards data protection, as a consequence of the contemporary economy of user-generated contents. Through the presence of "tante"/ Jürgen Geuter and "mspro"/Michael Seeman, it highlights the perspective of the recently emerged social sub-movement of the "datenschutzkritische Spackeria"/"the privacy criticizing Spackeria" (, which is proposing a different attitude on privacy matters and transforming the meaning of openness and transparency. Julian Oliver and Danja Vasiliev of the artistic group Weise 7, present their recent Weise7 archive book, giving instead an artistic perspective on the issue of openness.


Moderated by Gregor Sedlag /C-Base and Tatiana Bazzichelli.
