Rafael Polo

Rafael Polo

Rafael Polo is a computer scientist and software developer who has worked for more than a decade in several organisations and interdisciplinary projects, from open-sourced platforms to image processing, web crawlers, data mining and visualisation. Working at Tactical Tech, an international organisation dedicated to the use of information in activism, he aims to engage public awareness and social collaboration while building systems and tools. Having solid skills in servers, databases and frontend development, he hacks and builds many systems with designers and architects, artists and activists.

Tactical Tech is a non-profit organisation working since 2003 to advance the use of information and digital technologies by advocates and activists worldwide. Our mission is to advance the skills, tools and techniques of rights advocates, empowering them to use information and communications to help marginalised communities understand and effect progressive social, environmental and political change. Based in Berlin, we work with an international network of partners and collaborators to help rights, accountability and transparency advocates and the communities they work with to use information and digital technologies effectively in their work. We produce a range of toolkits, guides, online resources, field-building research, visualisations and films while providing trainings and workshops.
> https://tacticaltech.org
